Monday, November 9, 2009

Some before pictures!! Have fun!!

I have to say that some of these make me wonder what the heck I was thinking!?!? How did this happen!?!?!?!
I think this is the #1 picture that makes me gasp. I think this was September, 2008.
This is a close second.... July 2008 - in the "thinking" stage for Lap-band. Had gone to the informational session but that is it... Thank GOD I realized this needed to happen!
Remember in the post before this - the halloween costume for this year? This is the 2008 halloween costume.... neat idea (I was a 50's housewife ;)...), MUCH larger body....
This was taken last December (2008) with some co-workers.
Christmas 2008 with my hubby. What a change!

Has it really been THAT long??

Yes, you are reading this right....... it is now November 8.... it has been months since my last entry and I am such a bad girl..... You know what's cool, though? As I sit here typing, my legs are crossed and that is not something I have been able to do for very long.... I love it! I promised pics and I am coming through with that promise finally! But first, an update:
Things are going great! I may not have lost a TON of weight since my last post, but I have made a TON of breakthroughs and that is so much more valuable toward the actual weightloss! I have fallen in love with Zumba and that is making quite the difference in my life all around! Since my last post, I have started taking Microbiology (can't help but think that just may be the reason for my absence lately! lol!!) toward my nursing degree and I can't believe it but I am actually getting a (gasp!!) B in the class! Those of you who know me, know that science is NOT one of my strengths and for that I am having to study MUCH more than the average nursing student. Though I am spending a great deal of time studying, I must say that the class is wonderful and I am learning SO much and I love what I am learning! I feel lucky, also that I have a professor that I think is a perfect match for me!
Now for a few updated pics!

This was taken August 9. No doubt, after a LONG day of working on the deck!
Looking at this picture now tells me how far I have come!!

One of THE hottest days of the summer at Fenway Park. Excuse the protruding boob...
Just a good pic to get what I looked like. This was August 21.

Same Red Sox game. August 21.

At a friend's wedding on August 29.

At my cousin Julia's wedding on September 5. I can see a difference in my face...

And this? This is my halloween costume for this year.... some of you may remember my costume from last year? I think you'll agree this is WAY cuter!! ;)

I am going to do another blog post right after this one with some more pictures - including my halloween costume from last year.... wait til you see this one!!!!

I really want to thank you all again for you unwaivering support! I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank each and every one of you enough!!!