Sunday, August 9, 2009

Keeping good on a promise.

Okay, so I know I have been promising progress pics for a while now, so it's only fair to post them now. I go for my second fill this Tuesday, August 11 so we will see how the progress goes from there. I am down a total of 18 lbs. Would like to see more, but 18 is 18 and it isn't a gain.... now that would be a little concerning.... lol. So, here are my pics:

This was taken April 29, a little over a month pre-op
(Like the straight hair?)
Showing off my new purse April 30
Taken May 8 - Looking at this now makes me
realize just how much I have lost

This is Op-Day!! June 5, 2009 - my rebirth-day.

Day after my surgery.... June 6, 2009.

Taken June 22 - 17 days post-op
Starting to notice the change.

Taken July 3. About four weeks post-op

July 7 - this is the most up-to-date pic I have.

I will work on getting more pics taken of me! July 7 was a month ago so I know new pics are in order! I will get on that ASAP! Things are great on my end, sorry for the lag in updates, this summer has been busy to say the least with building our new deck and the various hiccups that have introduced themselves to us in the meantime (such as the existing deck, off of which Seth was taking the planks and the frame collapsed on him. So not only are we going to be re-doing the decking on our existing deck - which we had planned anyway - but now we have to reframe the whole thing! Or... the insulation under the breezeway that was exposed by the collapsed deck that showed us that a critter that had shredded the insulation to get warm in the winter so Seth got under there this AM and replaced the insulation and put ply-wood over it so no critters can get into it. No wonder why our breezeway gets so cold in the winter!!!) Long parenthesis, I know!! Peace out! :)

1 comment:

Kristina said...

You are looking good girl! I am proud of you!