The story?
We have the occasional scrub sales here at Maine Medical Center to benefit the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital and I like to go check out the various styles they have for the plus size variety. I often find really cute tops there and one time last year was not an exception. I had the luxury of working right next to where it was happening (or would that be considered a disadvantage? hmmm....) so I tried on a top I thought was adorable but literally looked like it was painted on.... one of my co-workers suggested I get it as incentive to lose weight - so I did..... yeah... if I had a penny for each item of clothing I purchased even though it was too small but keeping in mind that it would be good incentive to lose weight - I would not be working anymore! Don't know why I did that! Just depressed me more than I was before! Anyway......... so I bought this top thinking I would fit in it someday...... Fast forward a year and last night I had to do laundry and knew I needed scrubs to wear today. I thought to myself that I would just try it on and see where I am (I figured it would be still a little too tight - it was REALLY REALLY tight before). I slid it right on with room to spare and needless to say I am wearing said top as I write this post! I can't tell you how many compliments I have gotten on it and it feels so great to hear each and every single one of them!
A side note I would like to say to all of you: I really appreciate all of your posts and encouragement! It feels so nice to know there are so many people out there who care and support what I am doing. It makes this all so much more worthwhile!! I love you all!
Why I "Quit" Blogging
8 years ago