Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 2 Post-op

I am still here! I can't imagine that two days ago - this time, I was in the worst pain of my life! I am feeling so good, I almost don't believe it myself! I have been working so hard at being a good little patient (anyone who REALLY knows me, knows how stubborn I am and how hard that can be for me!) and not lifting things yet. I have been keeping on moving so I can get that last little bit of gas out and heal faster. I have managed to get some protein in my body, too! Guess what I had last night? I ate some baby food! I did it! Didn't get nauseous at all either! I am currently sipping (s.l.o.w.l.y) on a protein shake for my morning nutrition. Things are on the upswing here, I can't wait to see the progress! I'll upload a couple pics later!


Erin said...

Good girl!! Keep it up!

Unknown said...

So, what happened Monday and today? I came here, coffee in hand, to read more entries and - nothing! I'm so dissappointed. I'm needing to know what flavors of baby food (everyone I talk to says, yuck!) and how does the protein shake taste? How's the gas?

The mom said...

So glad you are feeling well Skye! Sending you best wishes from MaineRocks! :-)