Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Five days post-op

Sorry for not posting in a while! Been laying low.... Last night five of my girlfriends (My CC girls!) came over for a going away shindig for one. She is moving to Boston to go to Law School! SO proud of her! Anyway, there were six of us - Jaime brought her little four month old daughter Taylor - so with Seth, that made 8 people in the house. There were five dogs playing in our newly fenced in back yard! Fenway was a little outnumbered... four of the five dogs were Chocolate Labs..... it was so much fun to watch, though! I could at least know where Fenway was at all times, though... She stuck out like a sore thumb! Whenever I get together with these girls, food and wine are always present, so I was interested to see how things would go for me. I still don't really have much of an appetite so that is nice. When everyone was in and settled and eating, I made sure to heat up my "Veal" babyfood and I plated up a very little bit of Guacamole, hummus and I had some of my yogurt. I was SO full.... 2 oz of "Veal", about .5 oz of hummus, about 1 oz of nacho cheese, about 1.5 oz Guacamole and about 4 oz of yogurt. I was supposed to have 8 oz of dairy, 4 oz. of veg and 2 oz of meat/protein. Funny thing is that I had less than they wanted me to have and I was SO full! Felt like I had been on a serious food binge!! It was so nice to see them all again, I haven't seen them in a while! Angie brought Rockstar (a game for Wii) and we hooked it up to the Wii and it is one of the coolest games I have ever played! I loved playing the drums! I will definitely be asking for that for Christmas! What a workout that was! I could tell I wasn't 100% but I have to appreciate that I am still five (was four yesterday for the party!) days post-op and realize that I am doing well with that. Today, I am going to take it easy and do nothing! It's weird, I feel like I am recovering from a rager of a party that went until about 4AM and not a simple little get together with my ladies that ended at about 9:30PM! So funny! But I wouldn't change a thing girls! Don't get that idea! I would do it again in a heartbeat! It was so much fun! Plus, Fenway is still sleeping and if I ask her to go out and go to the bathroom (How DARE I?) it's like I just asked her to walk across hot coals! So funny!


Unknown said...

Glad that you're doing so well... How much have you lost since the pre-op weigh in?

Cally said...

hi skye. Love reading this. I'm soooo proud of you!! xoxo

suze said...

skye, we are so glad you are popping back to normalcy. good for you! you better get a new dress for julia's wedding------you'll need a slimmer trimmer variety. what a tale you have to tell. i am sending su su your blog address. she was very proud of you too.
love, s.

Cally said...

How 'bout an update on the blog! hmmm?