Monday, November 9, 2009
Some before pictures!! Have fun!!
Has it really been THAT long??
Things are going great! I may not have lost a TON of weight since my last post, but I have made a TON of breakthroughs and that is so much more valuable toward the actual weightloss! I have fallen in love with Zumba and that is making quite the difference in my life all around! Since my last post, I have started taking Microbiology (can't help but think that just may be the reason for my absence lately! lol!!) toward my nursing degree and I can't believe it but I am actually getting a (gasp!!) B in the class! Those of you who know me, know that science is NOT one of my strengths and for that I am having to study MUCH more than the average nursing student. Though I am spending a great deal of time studying, I must say that the class is wonderful and I am learning SO much and I love what I am learning! I feel lucky, also that I have a professor that I think is a perfect match for me!
Now for a few updated pics!
Same Red Sox game. August 21.
And this? This is my halloween costume for this year.... some of you may remember my costume from last year? I think you'll agree this is WAY cuter!! ;)
I am going to do another blog post right after this one with some more pictures - including my halloween costume from last year.... wait til you see this one!!!!
I really want to thank you all again for you unwaivering support! I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank each and every one of you enough!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
"Dr. Fill", Take 2
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Keeping good on a promise.
This was taken April 29, a little over a month pre-op
(Like the straight hair?)
This is Op-Day!! June 5, 2009 - my rebirth-day.
Day after my surgery.... June 6, 2009.
Taken June 22 - 17 days post-op
Starting to notice the change.
Taken July 3. About four weeks post-op
July 7 - this is the most up-to-date pic I have.
I will work on getting more pics taken of me! July 7 was a month ago so I know new pics are in order! I will get on that ASAP! Things are great on my end, sorry for the lag in updates, this summer has been busy to say the least with building our new deck and the various hiccups that have introduced themselves to us in the meantime (such as the existing deck, off of which Seth was taking the planks and the frame collapsed on him. So not only are we going to be re-doing the decking on our existing deck - which we had planned anyway - but now we have to reframe the whole thing! Or... the insulation under the breezeway that was exposed by the collapsed deck that showed us that a critter that had shredded the insulation to get warm in the winter so Seth got under there this AM and replaced the insulation and put ply-wood over it so no critters can get into it. No wonder why our breezeway gets so cold in the winter!!!) Long parenthesis, I know!! Peace out! :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Went to see "Dr. Fill" yesterday!
Friday, July 10, 2009
I can't wait for my fill!!!
On another note, for everyone in the northeast, how beautiful was the sun today??? What a gorgeous day!!! Bummed I have to work all weekend, but still, at least I was able to enjoy yesterday and today! Night all!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
My new scrub top fits!!!!
We have the occasional scrub sales here at Maine Medical Center to benefit the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital and I like to go check out the various styles they have for the plus size variety. I often find really cute tops there and one time last year was not an exception. I had the luxury of working right next to where it was happening (or would that be considered a disadvantage? hmmm....) so I tried on a top I thought was adorable but literally looked like it was painted on.... one of my co-workers suggested I get it as incentive to lose weight - so I did..... yeah... if I had a penny for each item of clothing I purchased even though it was too small but keeping in mind that it would be good incentive to lose weight - I would not be working anymore! Don't know why I did that! Just depressed me more than I was before! Anyway......... so I bought this top thinking I would fit in it someday...... Fast forward a year and last night I had to do laundry and knew I needed scrubs to wear today. I thought to myself that I would just try it on and see where I am (I figured it would be still a little too tight - it was REALLY REALLY tight before). I slid it right on with room to spare and needless to say I am wearing said top as I write this post! I can't tell you how many compliments I have gotten on it and it feels so great to hear each and every single one of them!
A side note I would like to say to all of you: I really appreciate all of your posts and encouragement! It feels so nice to know there are so many people out there who care and support what I am doing. It makes this all so much more worthwhile!! I love you all!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Oh, my gosh... sorry it's been so long!
In better news, the glue (yes, they used glue instead of stitches..) has finally all peeled away as well as the scabs!! Sorry if that is a bit TMI! My scars are forming quite nicely and I can really feel my port under my skin very well, I love to feel it, kinda weird, I know....
I went back to work about a week and a half ago and everything is great! I am definitely back to my normal self, that's for sure! Seth has taken some more recent pics of me so I will be posting those soon. It's late and I have to work in the AM! What a gorgeous day today was after SO many days of rain and crummy weather! Here's to more sun to come! Night all!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Five days post-op
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Day 2 Post-op
Friday, June 5, 2009
I am now in "Life after the Lap Band procedure"!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Last time I ate anything solid was Tuesday evening - had so much of the protein shakes it will start coming out my ears soon!
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I am doing alright and feeling good about tomorrow and just to keep me in your thoughts tomorrow AM early!
I'll blog as soon as I am home and settled to let you all know how I am doing!
Love you all! :)
Monday, June 1, 2009
T minus 4 days...
I am trying to make the decision of what to eat for my post-op diet. There are two choices: both equally un-desireable..... Option 1 is to drink five protein shakes a day - will be so sick of protein shakes that I am not sure I will be able to do five a day for 14 days...... Option 2 is to drink three protein shakes a day in addition to 2-2oz protein servings blended (no chunks - yes, that means in a blender.... ) 1-8 oz serving of dairy and one serving of fruit/vegetable/starch - ALL foods have to be blended with NO CHUNKS - can you imagine putting chicken in a blender? Do you have to do that with stock? Don't you need something to make it the consistency or something? What about cottage cheese in a blender? Tofu blended? Um..... not so sure about that... Dairy I can do.... fruit/vegetable/starch, I can do.... the protein I am not so sure about.... the samples and options they give you for proteins are:
2oz. Chicken
2oz. Ground Turkey
2oz. Fish/Tuna Fish
2oz. Cheese or Soy Cheese
2 Eggs or 4 Egg Whites or 1/2C. Egg Beaters
2oz. Deli Meat (No Roast Beef)
1/2C. Cottage Cheese (Small Curd)
1C. Tofu
Can't make much of anything work..... not sure I want to do any of these, thanks.... any ideas?
The cough is much better, thanks everyone for your concern. I was given cough syrup with codeine and have FINALLY slept like a baby the past two nights! He said it seemed viral, though understood the importance of staying healthy for the surgery, so he gave me a perscription for Azithromycin in case it turned into Bronchitis. I kept it and thought that if I wasn't better by today, I would fill it but I feel much better and so I didn't fill it. Just need to get my voice back to normal now and get rid of the residual cough and I will be perfect!
Friday, May 29, 2009
An ode to Chicken Broth! ....and Health
On a side note, I have had a persistent cough since Monday and it is neither going nor coming. Not sure what is going on. The last thing I need is for my surgeon to tell me "Oh, your sick? Well, we're going to have to re-schedule...." No we are not.... so I am going to go to the Dr. tomorrow... he may just tell me that I just have a cough and give me something to make it go away.... but he may also tell me it is Bronchitis and give me a Z-pack and send me on my way, allowing for my cough to go away and surgery to happen on the scheduled day of June 5! I will keep you posted on what the Dr says! Hope you are all having a great day!!
This diet is great in the not great kinda way!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pre-op diet = meh...
Three high protein drinks per day (more if indicated) AND one meal
Meal components for freshly prepared meal:
Food Group Amount Some examples
Lean Meat 4 oz. Chicken, fish, turkey, cheese, tofu
Starch 1/2C. or 1 oz. Potato, rice, pasta, sweet potato
Vegetable 1C. cooked AND unlimited raw Broccoli, green beans, cauliflower
Fruit 1 Medium peice of fruit Apple, 4" Banana, Peach, Pear
Low Fat Milk 4 oz. Low Fat Milk, Low Fat yogurt
Fat 1tsp. regular or 1TBSP light Margarine, butter, oil, mayonnaise
My day starts out with a protein shake. I'll have another one mid morning. If I am working, I eat the meal for lunch so I can get the extra nutrition while I am running around and have the last shake after I get home. If I am not working, I wait til dinner, so I can eat with Seth, in which case I will have another protein shake mid afternoon. I have made enough components so that I am all set for it all the way through. This is what I am eating:
Chicken breast - 1/2 a breast
1/2C. cooked rice
1C. cooked broccoli
LOTS of raw carrots and soy beans
Fat free yogurt
a tab of margarine for the rice
It is actually a really tasty and REALLY filling meal! Not always able to finish it and always feel satisfied! I am also taking a multivitamin and a calcium suppliment.
You are also encouraged to consume 8 cups - 64 ounces - of non-carbonated liquid per day - including any protein shakes you have. So I have three 8oz shakes = 24oz. 40 more oz per day of the following:
Water, sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free jell-o, fat free/low fat broth/boullion, decaffeinated herbal tea, diet Snapple, Crystal light, Fruit2O, Propel, Milk (Skim or 2%)
The day before surgery, I am to have five shakes, no food at all.... Can't believe it is all happening so fast!